“Beirut” written in Arabic letters.

“ I left looking for a sense of belonging, but it’s after living abroad that I have discovered my sense of belonging. It depends on my state of mind, my emotions and my reaction to things and people”.


Elyse Khoury

Photos by Elyse Khoury

I am a freelance architectural designer interested in “Beirut”, I am trying to capture the beauty, the pain, the love, the massive impact of the blast, the sadness and the joy of my city over the time.

I have been travelling since 2014 between Newcastle upon Tyne, Tokyo, Santa Cruz Tenerife and Madrid. My recent project is based on architectural moments from observations I have made when I left Lebanon and then came back to in 2019.
This series represents Beirut traces from the civil war with a contemporary look. However, The 4th of August 2020 massive explosion has taken over.

How the reconstruction is going to evolve over the coming years? How many times Beirut was destroyed and rebuilt?